Archive for the ‘Sarah Palin’ Category


Sarah Palin vs. Terry Tate

October 24, 2008

I wish this was how the interview really went…

“Somebody just got a weekly subscription to Terry’s Journal of Pain, and the first issue’s free baby!!!”

This broad can’t answer a simple f*ckin question. She’s like the political version of a Magic 8 Ball, she has about 4 answers that she uses regardless of the question.

Interviewer: “Governor Palin, what did you have for dinner?”
Palin: “John McCain’s a Maverick.”
Interviewer: “What?”
Palin: “Drill, Baby, Drill!”
Interviewer: “Governor Palin, again, what did you have for dinner?”
Palin: “John McCain is the only candidate who actually fought for you!”
Interviewer: “F*ck It.”