Archive for the ‘Amber Rose’ Category


Random Pic: Kanye & Amber Rose Support PETA…

January 26, 2010

…that’s why they went fur crazy during fashion week over in Paris.

No but seriously, I’m about 2,000,000% sure (word to Maury Povich) that those coats aren’t made out of animal fur. So before PETA gets their hypocritical panties in a bunch and start throwing paint on Mr. West and his Rose, I suggest they do a bit of research. I don’t think any animals were harmed or killed in making of those coats. I mean let’s not jump to conclusions here…I’m guessing that those coats are either fake or they’re made out of…

…Monique’s fur.

After seeing her legs it may be up for debate as to whether she’s an animal, but one thing is certain…she’s alive and doesn’t appear to have been harmed in any way. You can find her every night on BET screaming for no apparent reason. See there PETA….we can all take a deep breath and relax.

Btw if her legs are that damn hairy, I’m nauseous at the thought of what other parts of her body look like. Yep….just threw up a lil’ bit in my mouth.

Movin’ on, I’d like to dedicate the following to Mr. West…
Mr. Male Fur Coat Wearer


Kanye’s Louis Vuitton Ad Campaign…

April 21, 2009

Look at Amber getting her model on. She’s definitely benefiting from this relationship…traveling around the world, modeling and who knows what’s next. I’m not mad at her…in the words of the Classical Greek philosopher Socrates….

“We just using what we got to get what we want.”

…oh wait, that was that wack ass stripper from The Player’s Club. Anywho, more pics after the jump….

Btw Kanye’s Black Louis Vuitton Jasper’s > Kanye’s Black Air Yeezy’s