Archive for the ‘Flavor Flav’ Category


Flavor Flav – I’ll Never Let You Go…

February 8, 2010

I’d like to dedicate this video to my love for blogging…

Yeah….that just happened. This video actually came out last year and somehow I managed to miss it.

I swear the first time I saw this I just sat there waiting…. waiting…. and waiting for some type of 1-800 number to scroll across the bottom of the screen. This shit is sad…at any moment I was expecting a fly to come and rest on his left eye. I just figured this had to be a cry for help, some type of infomercial asking for donations for Flavor Flav since Ray-J came and took his spot as VH1’s ace boon COON.

Anywho, I’ve been MIA (no “Paper Planes”) for damn near two weeks due to a lack of internet access…but I’m back. So run and tell your peoples they can start back to checking the site on the regular.