
Kourtney Kardashian Should’ve Covered Maxim…

April 6, 2009

…instead they threw some wack chick from Watchmen on the cover. Although she isn’t on the cover she’s still in the magazine. For those of you who don’t know who Kourtney is (because you have really awesome lives and don’t keep up with half of the bullshit that I do), she’s Kim Kardashian’s older sister.

A lot of guys think that she looks better than Kim…what do I think? It really doesn’t matter, I’d take either one. I’m actually aspiring to be a male groupie to a lot of famous women, Kardashian’s included. Ya know, go to all the hot parties, have them pour champagne on me while I do the wop in VIP, take me back to their hotel room, have their way with me and kick me out in the morning. Maybe even give me a shout out in one of their R&B songs (call me Keri)…

More pics of Kourtney after the jump.

Go to Maxim.com to see more photos and read her Q&A.

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